Monday, August 29, 2011

Muir beach

End of the day.
Max cloths were all wet..
He throw up so we used one of his spare T shirts that I brought.
and He got wet on the beach..
So we wrapped the blanket looked like Jacket
(it was Alex's idea ^^ Awesomeness! )
We washed the sand with our battle of water in the parking lot.
Max didn't like it that you can tell in this pic!
They didn't have places to wash the body.

Near by Muir woods we went to the muir beach again.
Max seemed he didn't remember we came here when He was a little baby.

Max loved to walk around the beach
He was very curious about water and beach.

Max and I...

Max touched the sand
He thinks it's funny
He definitely needs to go to the beach or ocean more.

Dad and Son

Max felt wired walking on the sand.

Max looks amazing with his orange jacket that we bought in REI
We are REI outfit family!

1 comment:

Kate said...

cute pictures!! What a fun family day. Sounds like you had a bit of an adventure with all the clothes changing and cleaning up :)