Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Magical Time : 10pm / New playroom

I am going to put Max's desk and chair in this spot
after we put the light on the ceiling.
and I will put wall decal/mural/ stickers whatever ^^
I found really cute ones from this website!
Max loves~~~~~~~~~~~ his playroom.
He stays there forever/ so long time to play! ^^
When we painted the wall we had to close the door not let Max in
Max was crazy he wanted to go inside and play!!

This is the wall we painted.
This spot Max will have his future toddler bed ^^
We will put some pictures and wall shelves to match with Max's future bed.
When I am pretty sleepy I stay in this couch bed with a warm blanket.
Max doesn't care ^^
he plays so well ^^
Max starts to go to bed without fighting at 10PM!
You know before Max tried to go to bed like 1am 2am etc..
but Now he has his BED TIME!!
I know some others would say 10pm is still late.
but it's a huge progress for Max.
Of course he still doesn't like it but
When I close his door, he plays in his crib for a while like
reading a book, and playing with cars.
Before I put him bed I always say
"We will see you tomorrow morning"
"We will play again tomorrow morning"
Some point I think Max understood what it means.
After I using/ saying this Max stop fighting with me at night.

Max loves to play with older boys.
He follows and does everything they do. ^^
I've tried to teach him for a while how to use Hand sanitizes in the gym or other indoor areas,
Max didn't want to do it
but one older boy came up and put his hands under hand sanitizes and rub his hands
Max looked at and did exactly what the boy did.
Maybe older boys didn't care much about Max,
but Max thinks he is playing with them^^
How cute!

almost older boys play so well /gentle with Max
few of them are pretty rough but when i explain to them,
they understand what I say and be gentle with Max.
I love boys!
I love kids!
They are all amazing!
My Morning schedule is very simple.
Max wakes up 8:30am.
I pick him up, change diaper, give him a cup of Milk.
Breakfast : Half Banana, string cheese, and crackers ^^
(If he eats full Banana he doesn't eat much for Lunch so I give him only half)
Max is not a big breakfast eater.
Max watch Mickey Mouse for an hour
He goes to his playroom and start to play himself.
I go stay longer entertain with him
after reading few books and playing with numbers, Alphabets, and colors
I let him play himself with music on(lower volume) in his room.
He is amazing!
He plays himself like an hour with his cars and trucks!!
and around 10:30~11am Max and I go to the park!
Or We go Barns and noble first stay an hour and go to the park.
Comes home 1pm.
Max eat Lunch 1-1:30pm.
I tried to feed him around 12 but Max isn't that hungry doesn't eat much.
1pm he eats pretty large or good amount of food^^
and 2pm(sometimes 2:30) - 4pm Max Nap time!!
Lucky day he wakes up at 5pm ^^
2-5 is my free time
I take a nap sometime
I watch the tv show from Netflix.
I need to read more books ^^;;
But all I want is taking a rest under the warm blanket and watch TV.
I have to find out How to spend my free time better way!

Max wakes up from Nap,
Mostly it's for Max and Alex play time.
Max goes to his playroom and play with Alex.
They watch cars&truck cartoons from I-pad, and reading books.
We have a nice ikea couch-bed, sometimes Alex is taking a half awake nap/ resting there
Max just plays in front of Alex by himself very well.
Max knows what he needs/ or wants
If he is bored Max wakes up Alex lol jumping on his body or sitting on Alex face lol
and we have a dinner, after dinner around 8:30 Max's bath time!
and then Alex goes to bed first.
I stay with Max till 10pm on time.
I put him bed
I start to clean up the kitchen/living room/ his playroom
and having my own quiet time a little bit
and I go to bed.

This is our schedule ^^
Some day is different but basically this is our normal day ^^
Summer time we go outside after & before dinner.
Thanks for CA weather, Max plays outside almost everyday with a beautiful weather!

Friday, February 17, 2012

At home- History of my shows.

Staying home mom I have time to watch TV shows from Netflix.
Some of them I've seen on TV advertisement so I've heard of all of these shows
but I wasn't very into or not interested in when these shows started.
I think I found my hobby! ^^
besides Kyle XY, rest of shows are still going on TV.
I finished / almost finished from Netflix and catching up on TV.

Season 7 is going on TV!!
22 episodes per season.
I am season 6 right now and catching up current stories from TV.
These cute brothers are killing Ghosts and Demons!
Sam and Dean.
I like Dean. (Right one)
I Googled their real name and real life.
They both are married!
It's kind of funny their wives was on the show one of the ghost and demons

British TV shows - 3 seasons so far.
3 episodes per season.
I finished 1 and 2 season waiting for 3 season on Netflix.
Modern days Sherlock homes!
Remind of my life in England ^^
Of course I searched his real name and what other movies he was on. lol
He is pretty famous in England and has been in lots of Movies.

Kyle XY!
Alex and I were very mad when we realized this show was cancelled~~!!
We both were very into this show^^
We(I) was very into Kyle but I found out he is a gay in his real life.
Very very shocking.

Oh my gosh!!
I bought a book at Barns and Noble!
Much better and hotter than twilight actors and actress.
Main girl is very very pretty a lot prettier than Twilight actress.
and both main actors(men) are much more handsome than twilight! ^^
I searched all the actors from the Show and behind stories etc.
Fun to watch.
Season 3 is going on TV.
I finished Season 1 and 2 from Netflix.
Catching up on TV ^^

When I start to watch dramas or shows I am very very into all the characters and stories
I am so so sad that White collar actor is a gay in real life too ^^;;
Why all handsome characters on TV are gay in real life?
Doesn't matter but it's very hard to match the characters from Shows~

I like to search Netflix and start new show when I am done with current shows. lol

I am a huge fan of CSI Las Vegas even before came to USA!
I watched CSI every Friday night on TV in Korea!
My goal is collect whole TV series DVD complete collection!!
CSI Las Vegas has total 12 seasons wow!!
Season 12 is going on TV now.
I am catching up from their official website^^
I remember most of episodes ^^
I just love love CSI Las Vegas!
I hope this show doesn't end!

Friday, February 3, 2012

Cute boys!!!

Max has so many toys!
Out of control and space!
There are more toys in the boxes in his closet!
We need to change more grower's room! ^^

We need to find right places for those toys!
Alex and I are ready for redecorate Max's room for toddlers! ^^
We went to Ikea for Max's toy storage furniture.
We are working on it ^^

When Max plays with his toys in his room I move ottoman in the middle.
Max loves it! ^^

This storage box set was great for babies under one and half year old.
Toys gets bigger and not so many educational toys won't fit there.
and we need a book shelf too.
Boys loved donuts ^^
The manager gave us mug cups for each boys!
Thank you!!

Max is slowly interested in Animals!!
I am kind of glad Max likes other besides cars, trucks and trains!

Cute Cute Cute!!
That's why Manager gave them free mug cups! ^^
it was super cute cups!!

I just wanted to take a picture..of Max
but Max was keep moving and wanted to see i phone with me..^^;
so I put him towards to the wall and made him not to move!
Max was very sad lol

Wednesday, February 1, 2012

Daddy and Son.

Without stroller or wagon We walk to the Jamba juice through our park.
It is a pretty long walk with kids but We want to make Max tired.
So we decided to walk!!
Of course it took longer lol but we had a lot of fun!

When we way back we stopped by playground which made Max more tired!
Played for a while and came home!

Max loves to watch himself with I phone.
He loves his face lol
He laugh and tries all sort of fun faces he can make!