Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Time goes so fast.

I want to go back this time..
I miss baby Max lol
Recently when My brain is empty..
Every moments of my life flash back clearly from my childhood..
but I want to remember the most was when Max was a baby.
I remember of course when Max was born every moments in the hospital..
but after I came home with Max..
it went very fast.

Don't hide even though
you think you are not ready to take a pic
every pic your took with your family and child..
is super precious!!

I kind of regret that I didn't take many pictures with Max (just Max and me)
because of my silliness.
I thought
I will take many pictures after I lose weight..(which haven't happened yet)
I will take a picture when I look pretty later..
after Make up..
after dress up..
but because of these silly reasons..
I maybe missed several beautiful moments that I want to remember now.

Enjoy every moment you have.
Every moment is so precious with your child. ^^
Even though you don't look best of you..
you will miss the most!

Thank you Alex.
Even this pic Now fantastic memories!
Tired mom and still awake energetic baby boy ^^
I hated this picture because I look so ugly and tired.
but Now when I found this picture and see..
I was a very beautiful mom with Max.
I had tired look but now I see how young I was ^^
Have to be thankful every moment.

I always didn't like taking a pictures after Max.
I just felt so fat and old.
but I see that now I wan't old and fat.
I realize your past always look younger than you thought when you see later.
Now I think I am young never look old.
because this moment is bright young memories for the future of me ^^

When I see little babies,
I try to think
How Max was..
How Max did...
One day Alex and I talked like
If we could go back to the past,
what time of your life do you want to go back?
Alex said when he was young when he has nothing to worry about.
I said right after Max was born. No contractions and pains right after that.
I want to see him again.. start over ^^
When I see Max, Every worries all disappears..
All the worries I have for the future..
I only want to have this great moment with Max.
Blue day..
Lonely day
Homesick day..
Every little tough days..
When I see Max.. it disappears.

I try to take many pictures with Max
Every moment with him is very precious..
Won't have any silly reasons..
I will enjoy every second with him
won't waste it.

Tuesday, March 13, 2012

In love with CA weather!

Living in CA far away from our family isn't easy.
Only thing we can brag about Sacramento is the WEATHER!!
You can see lots of pictures of Max is
outside with a beautiful sunshine and blue sky.
That's the one thing we really enjoy about.
(Besides Alex, he thinks too hot here)

Almost everyday Max and I truly enjoy the outdoor fun.
I goggled it and look for the park near by our house where we haven't been.
I pack crackers, drinks and little snacks for Max and get ready for going outside!
Once a week Erika and I meet one of our place(taking turns) and let boys have fun.

Max enjoys every second of playing outside.
He runs everywhere and tries to far away from me haha
I haven't said "Thank you" for the weather in Sacramento since I've had Max.
because I didn't know how important is for kids needs to go outside and run!

I kind of didn't like the weather here.. even when Max was a little..
but now... I am so thankful to have this beautiful weather everyday.
All I can brag about to my friends and family members in WA is the CA weather!
I almost hear from them is how bad weather they are having.. specially for kids.
I know WA people are used to rains and winds but for parents who has young kids,
I bet they envy us!
we don't need to wait for the summer ^^
We don't need to wait for the summer.
We have warm spring and warm breeze nice fall weather in winter time.
but few days of rain..
but we have summer everyday.
I can see almost everyday many many kids play outside.

Alex wants to give the perfect gift for Max someday soon.
From Dad to Son.
I am so proud of them.
somehow Max get to play with bike from other boys every time when we go to the park.
Thanks for the moms who let max play with their bike even though their son didn't want to.
Max is so energetic.
Max runs runs runs without break.
Max doesn't know slow walk.
Max always runs.
other moms and people in the park always tell me
How energetic Max is. ^^;;
The boy never stop running ^^

I am very happy that I can give the perfect day for Max almost everyday.
Playing outside under the beautiful blue sky,
giving him crackers and cool water when he stop by and comes to me,
Max smiles to me and starts to run again ^^

I got lots of outdoor/yard tools for kids.
Max loves it.
All of kids' yard tools are in my trunk so wherever we go to the park,
Max get to play with them ^^

Max meet many new friends in the park,
They play so well ^^

Other Amazing thing for CA weather???
Even though kids get wet, it dries so quickly!
If kids are soaking wet, kids take off their cloths just without pants or shirts
Mom let kids play for a while and hang or put their wet cloths somewhere under the sun
and in half hour cloths are already dry.
Max can play with water of course in my truck has lots of spare cloths for Max.
but normally it dries so quickly ^^
Everyday picnics
Everyday blue sky
Everyday sunny sunshine

As a mom who has a super energetic boy,
I am so lucky to have this perfect CA weather.

Sunday, March 4, 2012

10 Things You don't know about me.

1. I kind of enjoying the Sun in CA!!
Gives me tan, wrinkles and freckles but I think I enjoy sunshine every day!

2. I am not good at making stuff with hands.
Maybe I don't have Asian fingers.

3. I failed Driver license written test lots of times.
Don't remember how much I paid for that.
I took a test with Korean and I failed..more than....10times.
I took a test in English I passed!!

4. I don't know about Alex but Alex and I want to have three children.
Two boys and one girl.
I want Max have a brother and a sister.
I watched super natural and made me think,
Max needs a brother!!!!

5. I haven''t felt any competition with others or for homework or project or at school.
Don't know why ^^;;
I don't know just I have my ways, others have their ways.
Don't feel I have to compete or better than others for something to win? or get?
I just think if you do your best that's all matters.

6. I don't like frozen fruits.
why don't people buy fresh fruits??

7. I was a huge fan of White wine.
When I worked at travel agency I traveled a lot long distance or short distance,
White wine helped me spend relax time in the flight.
I was a huge fan of Australia white wine.
I never liked red wine but I loved white wine!
I haven't been drinking wines since I joined the church.

I know / I understand their stupid way of humor.
but I think they are all super annoying!
None of them are handsome or charming or pretty!
I just hate this show and story line or everything.
When I was pregnant Alex watched this TV show
I was very very mad at all of them in the show!
This TV show was banned by me while I was pregnant.

9. I still have a craving for coffee
but I don't drink I'd rather drink chai tea or milk tea.
My favorite coffee was Latte. I always always loved Latte.

10. Chicken and beef broth inside this box is gross.
No matter how great they are or healthy they are on the box says,
I think it's wired.
Why don't they just boil whole chicken and beef?
(I would eat if someone cook for me or used that I didn't know)