Wednesday, August 17, 2011

Max's first haircut

My mom just grabbed Max's bangs up and cut his bangs with a kitchen scissor while Max was playing with cars.
We laughed a lot!!!!
and My mom made this 50% 50% hair style!

Look How short and uneven! lol
But He is cute anyway huh?

And I made this Korean guy hair style!

Korean boy hair style!

My style is New York Style.
Grandma is Korean style.
What will be Grandma Kate style?
We will know this September in WA!


Serena said...

His hair looks cute in the bottom picture. I just use clippers and buzz ethans hair with the #7 clippers attachment. Really fast and easy. I just put him in the highchair to keep him should try it...if it doesn't turn out great, it will grow back fast. That's the nice part about boy hair.

Kate said...

Well, its actually up to Max. Will he hold still and let me cut it or not? I hope so, cause its pretty funny looking right now so I'm itching to do it :)