Tuesday, August 16, 2011

MAX with water

My Mom and Max play outside everyday!
Max loves to misstep on flowers and watering them lol

Max plays outside with water everyday!
He got funny tan from the daily CA sun!
Pants-less Max normally ends up diaper-less lol
and later he is naked lol

He learned spread the water with his hands!
but back to his face!! lol (water heats his face!)
(you can see no diaper on Max)

Max is such a great helper!
he really catches quickly from us and copies so well!!

Max loves to play outside and run around all over the house.
He sometimes try to trick me.. and pretend nothing happened!
When I say No to Max when he tries to eat some dirt,
He smiles and pretend to put the dirt his mouth!
and I say No~~ he stops and try to put in the mouth again..
just trying to show me and like to hear my No~!
He knows I said No~ but He laughed at me and made me say No again!

This thing happened a lot with different cases when I say no!
He suddenly gets so excited when I say No!
and shows me No action with slow motion right in front of me lol

I am kind of afraid of becoming impatient mom who yells at their kids in public!

I want to be elegant& intelligent&mysterious & cute petite mom!
Why is it so difficult!?

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