Monday, June 8, 2009

This who Kari reminds me of...:)

Anyone with big eyes has the potential to look like even asians!

B.O.B. is a definate match!


Kari said...

HA HA...I think I'd rather look like the actress than a cartoon! ;) You are funny!

Kate said...

I think the Korean actress does look a bit like Kari too! :) How is our grandchild doing? We are excited to see an ultrasound picture of him/her soon!!What do you think it is? What about your Mom or Dad, do they have a guess? So far, I think it's a boy.

Alex & Jasmine said...

Me,too! haha
I had a dream that tiger came into
our place, I was so scared so I told alex close the door quickly tiger is following me, but Alex was somehow so~~slow! tiger came into our house!Dream of tiger is definately a boy! HAHA My parents also think it will be a boy! I am still having a little emotional days... don't know why haha we are eating out a lot lately..i just can't cook very well and so tired.
and every food I cook seems gross.
haha We miss your guys a lot T.T