Wednesday, October 19, 2011

OTTO'S Pumpkin Patch

Max loves these cars there.
There are so many cars for children to play and ride.

Max was more interested in riding a car than picking up his pumpkin!

There were so many theme booths that you can take a picture!

He isn't a easy boy in public but I love him ^^

this one was really quick click picture.
Max didn't want to take pictures.
He wanted to play with cars!
He couldn't stand that other kids were playing with cars in front of him when he was taking pictures.

Look at this boy!!

There was this cool stuff that kids can play!

Our pumpkins!

Max didn't look at the camera!
Of course He was looking at the cars!

There were these cool decoration old cars and trucks!
I loved it!

Hey Max!
Can you smile at once just for the camera?

It was huge!
and a very hot day too!

Today was Max's first pumpkin patch!
But he just liked to play with cars!
We took more than 100 of pictures!
Max! We love you so much!
Mom and dad are so so excited to spend this Halloween with you!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Jasmine, you are so funny! You are right on though, Max only seemed to have eyes for the cars! What a boy!! What a fun pumpkin patch though. Cool with the themes and all the cars, and the mazes and pyramids out of hay bales.