Sunday, May 23, 2010

Busy boy!

Max and I are so busy when I feed green beans/peas.

Such a photogenic boy!
I know no hairband for boys but it was so cute for Max!
Alex took it when Max just woke up!
We got this finally arrived!
Alex said I can order anything for Max so I did.
Alex got scared after seeing so many boxes arrived by deliverymen lol.

Max seems enjoying babyfood.
Here is the list that He loves the most.

1. Apple

2. Banana

3.Sweet popatoes

4. Squash

5.Greenbeans, peas, carrots

6. Prunes

I stop feeding carrots for a while and will try later again
because Max spilt up a lot with carrots.
He just act so busy and doesn't do any eye contact with me
when I feed Greenbeans, peas, carrots lol
When I feed prunes Max actually cried lol
because he showed he didn't like it but I kept feeding! lol
Don't be a picky eater!


Serena said...

Ethan's favorite was sweet potatoes - and Emeree hates carrots too. She spits them at me and they stain, so I'm taking a break from those for now. Max looks adorable - even with a headband :)

Kate said...

What a beautiful smart bot, eating his veggies and learning his alphabet, even if he doesn't like to hear the song! :)

Unknown said...

How long before you start feeding him Kimchi? lol

Unknown said...

How long before you start feeding him some kimchi?