Monday, January 24, 2011

Playground with dad.

This morning when I picked him up from his crib..
Max's morning hair style was crazy!
We should've gone outside earlier..
we were kind of lazy sorry Max..
about 20 min later getting dark so soon
but we played pretty well^^

Max enjoyed looking around everywhere!
when we go outside Max doesn't look at us..
He is very busy looking around him besides us.
Kind of saying: Mom and dad I get to see you all day!

Strong baby!


We can't wait to move in to our new home!
Can't wait to decorate and having our own place!
Alex can't wait either to have his own office!
I can't wait to have larger kitchen!

Another news I finally got braces for my teeth..
I don't know how can I put up with this for 18months..
They took my 4 wisdom teeth..
and I need to extract another 4 teeth.. 2 bottom + 2 top
I am very scared..
after 2 years..
when Max starts to going to kindergarden..or monttesori..
My teeth will be straigt and beautiful..T.T
I am counting down already..

1 comment:

Kate said...

Cute pictures Jasmine! I especially like the one of your boys walking from the back. Max is such a cute boy. He seems like he really like the playground.