Thursday, March 25, 2010


Recently Max loves touching his feet I took lots of pictures of him past few days,
All his was doing in his chair sucking his hands or touching his feet *^^*

He is pretty good moving around.
I put him middle of blanket while I was washing dishes,
when I checked him later he was out of the blanket ^^

I tried to put or suck everything lol

We got this one from Babies R us.
I saw Emeree was sitting there ..
just curious what Max would do.
He actually coming forward and his head down.
He doesn't enjoy it much this is the best picture of him with that chair.

Yes my boy..
smile to mama ^^

Having Max definately changed me.
1. I don't watch horror/crule/bloody/touture movies anymore.
2. I try to eat healthy.
3. When I read sad tragic news about babies/kids I cry from bottom of my heart.
4. I more respect my parents.
5. I forget something easily more often than before ^^:
6. I see other babies/kids when we see them.
7. I give up my cosmetics for Max cute outfit from target.
8. I go children section in the bookstore and look at the book really carefully.
9. Try to be simple for my stuff in Max's diaper bag.
(Before I had cosmetic little bags has lots of makeup stuff but Now just little mirror and lip balm and travle size johns and johns handlotion.)
10. Thinking about Max's future everyday.
11. I used to take 40min to put make up on, now super fast. sometimes I forget to put mascara.
12. I get easily angry when I am hungry I have to eat..but when Max is crying I can easily delay my meal and feed Max first.
so Many things but can't remember all just list above I can remember and write down now.


Serena said...

I'm guessing Mom made that blanket for you - Ethan has one in the same fabric :)

I heard he is growing like crazy - he's gonna be a tall boy. And he's adorable as well. When we get to Idaho in a couple weeks, we're going to have to trade babies for a few minutes so I can finally hold my first nephew!

Kate said...

Being a parent really does change you and your priorities doesn't it Jasmine. I enjoyed reading this post and getting to know your feelings about Max and being a new mother! You are doing a wonderful job. You have taken to being a mother really well. See you soon!!