You Know I love Cosmetics! I am A COSMETIC Queen!! Why??
I am sure I know all of COSMETIC BRANDS all over the world Even Salon products and Skin Clinic lines(Some cosmetics only sell through Salons,Spas and Skin Clinic).
I don't know why... I just want to try them! I collect Samples and coupons! Or be a frequent buyers and get many bonus for the next purchase!
I know some people can't understand that someone buy 100$ eye creams or pricy cosmetics...
But you know For cosmetics?? Very different! Expensive stuff works much better!
I know there are many good price of cosmetic brands like Olay and some market brands..
But if you are used to use pricy stuff ... you know very amazing differences! **
Specially Women's age After 25, it's very worth it to have some pricy stuff for yourself.
I use my mom's eye cream (I took it when I came to USA -.-;;) OR LIKE my friends have normal basic care but very pricy sunscreen.. something like that.. doesn't mean everything should expensive! Something you care about or want to keep or don't want to lose!
And women's age after 40, you have big responsibility for your looks!
It Doesn't mean I am perfect or I am perfectly good at taking care of myself but I just love cometics since 17 years old. There are many favorites... that I want to tell people ^^
My Favorite Brands.
1. Orbis - it's Japanese cosmetic brand that I am using right now!! Amazing! Very good price and works very well for my Skin type!
2. Cellex-C - I love Suncreen and Vitamin C serum! discoloration of your skin works very great!
3. Peter Thomas Roth - Very famous for oily and Acne skin care lines but I use their cucumber+Aloe gel Mast! It is amazing mask for sensitive skin, after Sun, and even oily skin!
When I feel very dry I put on my face and clean the house haha ^^ or after hiking and outside activities it makes my skin calm Amazing mask!
4. Evian water spray
5. Yonka - Franch Aroma skin care line. Very pricy! -.- ;; lots of salons and spas use Yonka skin care system and lines!
6. Shu uemura - Japanese cosmetic lines I love their make up products and Green tea cleansing oils! Shu uemura make up products I used for my wedding day!! ^^ I bought them in Japan with my Japanese friends! Luckly they sell at Northstrom in USA.
7. Philosophy - I love their facial scrub like In Home Peel. My favorite is Microdelivery peel.
8. Bare Mineral - I love the idea of kabuki brush so you dont need to use your fingers or hands to put foundation and make ups. Love it!! I mixed color for my face color and feel very light!
I know can't be perfect but daily habit affect a lot... so... must do ...
1. Clean your face everynight before go to bed even though you didn't wear make up.. Cleansing is more important than puting make up on!
2. Don't forget eye cream and Sunscreen.. EVEN rainy day... 4 seasons& everyday!
Ourdoor Activities and Sports it's better to use higher SPF than daily use.
For Daily I use SPF 38 or 30 and outdoor activites, sports and hiking.. I use SPF 85.
For Eye cream is better start to use early 20s.
3. Moist! - Have day and night different moisturizing care will be very helpful!
4. Scrub or home peeling - by your skin type once a week will be perfect!
Some stuff I can't use because I can't afford and can't buy right now.. ^^
I am waiting for my unlimited credit card from My sugarDaddy someday! HAHA!!
These are my favorite cosmetic website:
Few tips that Never do..
1. Don't wear Sunscreen everyday.
2. Don't remove make up and go to bed.
3. Touch your face a lot..
4. Use wrong skin type product.
5. Put make up on without basic care just wear make up without any moisturizing ..
6. Make your skin dry
7. Using Sunscreen moisturising lotion for night care..
if you go to bed with Sunscreen, it is the same that you wear make up on and go to bed.
Sunscreen is different! No matter what.. if you wear sunscreen or make up on.. you Have to wash your face clearly! Sunscreen can clog your pores during the sleep. It is for protect your face from sun for few hours. Don't use as night time cream or lotion.
Those things are Never do...