Friday, February 18, 2011

A boy from Sac

I had a crazy day today because I had 2 dr. appt for my annual check up and braces!
Both of them took forever .. Health Care for Women for my annual check up was pretty far away and I alway lost to come home -.- so I went to with Alex and Max
(of course Alex drove)
Max played so well in the little playground in the office.
Dentist and Ortho (both same building) is close to our home so I went to by myself.
I am so so badly counting 18 months!!

I wanted to this ones so bad even before Max was born.
Alex thought it's silly but After Alex put on the wall, Alex loved it^^
Told you Alex~~

This beautiful quiet park is just in front of our home so I start to often go outside with Max
and I feel like I had a good day after playing with Max in the park / playground. ^^

Alex did so much job done!
it's beautiful~~
This fan matched our kitchen light too (without fan)
Both of them look so beautiful with floor and our furniture~

After Max went to bed Alex started to do for house.
Alex did great great job!!!
We went to homedepo and bought few things to fix/redo for the house.
Actually this Chinese hat was for Ethan's 1st birthday..
we bought right after we moved sacramento.
Somehow we forgot and never remembered till we started to pack our stuff for the moving!

1 comment:

Kate said...

Sounds like you had a super busy day! That's awesome that you are taking Max to the park, I'll bet he loves it. The picture of him there is so cute. The fan is beautiful. Alex is quite the handyman!!