Sunday, October 31, 2010

Blue sky afternoon

Max just doesn't like something on his head.
we wanted to take many good pictures of him with this outfit but Max didn't help us!
Could you be nice for mom and daddy? when we take pictures of you?

somehow We often forget Max's shoes even though I had in my bag.


Today was such a beautiful Sunday afternoon!

The sun was pretty bright so Max didn't want to his face up to the camera.

Look at the sky in the picture isn't it so blue and pretty?

Max was really good at holding the handle and bouncing!
He is just just so adorable!!!!!
I love him so so much!!!

Max laughed loud he loved it!! ^^

This is the outfit that Kate sent for Max!
It was so awsome!
It was a little bit tight but perfectly fit well! ^^

Today was so nice!
The weather was so so nice we couldn't resist to get out of the house!
Alex and I did jump roping and streching our body.
The blue sky was so beautiful!
We walked for a while and back to the playgound for Max.
I should go outside more with Max during the day.
I've been working out lately with DVDs and in the APT gym.
But I realize how hard to lose pregnancy weight...T.T
But it is getting better it's been almost a year..
A lot of moms said prepragnancy body comes back at least a year after pregnancy.
and I slowly start to workout fit my skinny jeans again!
I am not expecting to wear my old size 00 (double Zero Junior)!
It fits till my tigh but not over the tigh lol I need pregnany belly belt to wear. lol
I bought my new size skinny jeans I think I will be fine with my new size for a while.
I've never been that number in my life but I will try to reduce that number! ^^
Anyway... We had great halloween afternoon in the park!


Kate said...

Awww...Max was a cute lion! He is adorable in the park pictures. We are all so excited to see you three here in a few weeks. Glad you got out in the sun today. Love you guys!

Serena said...

Did you go to your ward's trunk or treat? Your halloween day looked like it was very nice weather.

Unknown said...

Wow putting him in that lion costume is child abuse! lol