Don't know why..He is such a happy boy during the day ^^
We got this blanket and blanket cover in Ikea.
Alex picked it.
Here is very hot during the summer so I wanted to get summer blanket.
I love I can just take the blanket cover and wash in the laundry.
I love laundry specially for bed,.
Alex didn't like the cheap apt blind.
He got new blind from his work for free ^^
We definately needs bumper lol
He is doing that so often and rolls over everywhere.
I have to check often when he takes a nap or in sleep.
We got this one too.
Max loves it when it bounces. ^^
Max is really fussy before he goes to bed.
We know he is sleepy..but when we put him in bed,.
he cries crazy.. I tried like what book says..but not easy as a mon ^^;
sometimes it took 2 hours to make him go to bed.
or sometimes we don't know.
We are still learning..
One night Max wasn't really in a good mood at all..
we tood him with stroller and walked around the apt at 9~10pm..
He finally fells alseep in his carseat.
Alex picked it.
Here is very hot during the summer so I wanted to get summer blanket.
I love I can just take the blanket cover and wash in the laundry.
I love laundry specially for bed,.
He got new blind from his work for free ^^
He is doing that so often and rolls over everywhere.
I have to check often when he takes a nap or in sleep.
Max loves it when it bounces. ^^
Max is really fussy before he goes to bed.
We know he is sleepy..but when we put him in bed,.
he cries crazy.. I tried like what book says..but not easy as a mon ^^;
sometimes it took 2 hours to make him go to bed.
or sometimes we don't know.
We are still learning..
One night Max wasn't really in a good mood at all..
we tood him with stroller and walked around the apt at 9~10pm..
He finally fells alseep in his carseat.
They're supposed to sleep on their backs - so that might help him not get his legs caught so easy. . . or does he roll over from back to tummy already? I can't remember when Ethan did that roll.
Love your bedspread and the new blind! I laughed when I saw his picture with his little legs hanging out of the bed. He is looking so much longer. He has a cute smile.
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