I know it's too early to think about .. but I really can't wait to lose all the pregnancy weight!
I want to wear cute skinny jeans .. and Abecrombie&fitch XS T-shirts that I used to wear ...
I really hope they fit later.. I hope I can wear them... It will be a while but I am going to do it!
I want to be skinnier than my prepregnancy body I used to have. 95~100pounds is my goal!
I want to have my Korean weight that I used to have in Korea. I just can't wait to be physically active! I want to work out so bad... I want to run.. I want to go to the gym.. I just can'twait!!
Patience my child. :)
I remember feeling the same way, not the wanting to be 95 lbs (thats just crazy) but the wanting to get back into shape and be more mobile! But, in this last hard month try to enjoy this last little bit of being pregnant. It is such a special time getting to feel your son move and grow. I actually found I missed that experience once the baby was born. Of course, than you have the baby and thats the best and the worst at the same time!! Best to finally meet them and worst if they take some time to adjust to sleeping etc. They are quieter in the womb thats for sure! :) Rick and I are getting so excited to meet this little boy...
haha I know..I need to wait haha
my little boy still moves a lot and everytime I feel miracle and happy!Alex and I can't imagine the life with our little boy! excited!
Yes..best and worst haha
Jasmine, you are the SMALLEST pregnant person I have ever seen! Stop thinking you're fat!!! YOU'RE NOT. I think you look fantastic :) I mean, you're 8 1/2 months pregnant and I think you only weigh 4lbs more than me---and I'm not pregnant at all! When I get pregnant, I'll probably be like 200lbs! But who cares about weight, anyway?
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