I found My Hobby before our baby's born! Surprise??
--->> Read & finish Book of Mormon!
I started to read Book of Momon again..(Haven't finished yet but I am still trying!),
and I started to ready&study " Teaching of Presidents of The Church - Joseph Smith", because I quickly feel bored about reading Bibles (Sorry I just can't help) so I added one more thing to read with Book of Mormon. It was a great study and learning so far! But I have a question! (I am also waiting for Alex to come home and hear his answer but just I can't wait~!)
I was reading Chapter two about Joseph Smith after reading few chapters of Book of Mormon, P39- he talks about Matthew 5:45, I couldn't understand so I found Bible in Korean and read Matthew 5:45, I still can't understand! I am Seriously thinking "Am I Stupid????" It's in Korean I know every words... I can read but why I can't get it???? T.T (tears..)
It says...
His sun to rise on the evil and on the good, and sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust.
I know I read in Korean, but I don't get it...
I think it means that the Lord is kind to all regardless of what they have done - he loves everyone. So we need to follow the same actions and be kind to all - we don't have to condone what they've done, but we do need to be kind to everyone.
I looked online at www.lds.org for that scripture and i found this . . .
"Kindness. Be kind to all as our Father in Heaven is kind. He sends his rain upon the just and the unjust; and gives the sun to shine upon the evil and the good [see Matthew 5:45]. So let our goodness extend to all the works of his hands, where we can; but do not yield to the spirit and influence of evil. Away with all little meannesses, and deal out kindness to all."
Oh Jasmine! Don't you for a second think you're dumb! You're amazing! To know and speak and read at least two different languages is amazing! I'm not that smart!
I know the scripture sounds pretty confusing. Here's what I had gathered from it and from reading the same section you did in the book. Good things happen to both the good and the bad ("his sun to rise on the evil and on the good") AND sometimes bad things happen to both bad and good people ("sendeth rain on the just and on the unjust").
It seems kind of unfair or wrong that God would give the unjust (or evil people) the same blessings as he does the good (and bad experiences to both the good and bad), BUT if you read a couple paragraphs down in the book (Psalm 48:14) it explains that God loves us all (more than we would ever know) and He knows (in his infinite wisdom) that sometimes what may seem like a bad experience can be one of the biggest learning experiences (and ultimately one of the biggest blessings) to us. Everything in this life is supposed to help us learn something.
In 2 Nephi 2:23 it explains that had Adam and Eve not partaken of the fruit and thus avoided the sadness and misery of being thrown out of the garden (and becoming mortal) then they wouldn't have had children. They wouldn't know misery and because they wouldn't know misery they couldn't know joy. You have to experience the bad to know the good. . . There needs to be opposition in all things (2 Nephi 2:11).
I hope that helps a little bit. Sorry it is so long! See, it takes a lot of words to explain something as small as Matthew 5:45! Keep at it studying like you are! You're doing a wonderful job!
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