Mika, Kaori and Ruthy are my best friends I made in USA!
I arrived in USA 2004, November 5th I remember because it was the day after my birthday!
A week Later, Mika arrived and came to our English class and she sit next to me!
We became friends right away haha and her roommate was Ruthy!
After 2 months of living with Hostfamily, we wanted to move out and live togather!
We found APT close to bus stop and grocery stores! It was perfect!
They were my roommate for 2 years! We had a lot of parties with other Int' friends and our apt was getting all int' students play ground! HA HA
Mika went to Japan after 2 years, Kaori transfered to University in New York, and Ruthy also tranfered to University in Oregan! We still talk each other and we feel like family!
Ruthy wants to be our kids' God mother and teach chinese to my children, Kaori wants to cook healthy pregnacy food for me and Mika wants our kids to be best friend like us!
I am very Happy and still miss our life in APT!
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